Brazing contributes to decarbonization

We manufacture automatic brazing system that greatly reduce the burden of brazing.
By utilizing IH(induction heating), we provide easy controllability and safe operation in a compact configuration.


Are you having trouble with brazing?

  • Skill and experience are required, and the number of workers is limited.
  • Poor work environment due to heat
  • Want to reduce CO2 emissions

IH automatic brazing system solves the problem

IH (induction heating) solves various problems of brazing.

Highly reproducible heating that does not limit the operator

 Once the workpiece is set, it is fully automatic with switch-on.
Safe operation is possible without limiting the number of operators.

Heat only when needed

Heats only the necessary areas and time with a steep rise.
It suppresses the temperature rise in the work area and improves the working environment.

Clean heating

No flame and no emissions.
We promote efforts to become carbon neutral.

Reproducible IH for hassle-free brazing

Set the work in the slot of the automatic brazing machine and turn on the switch.
The workpiece is moved back and forth across the stage, flux application and brazing are automatically processed, and the brazed workpiece is returned.

Automatic Brazing System

Settings from the operation panel

  • Workpiece: Rotation / Non-Rotation
  • Brazing filler material: Supply(continuous/intermittent) / Non-Supply
  • Flux: Applied / Non-Applied
  • Various program settings for processing and heating recipes

Brazing filler metal

No special brazing filler metal is required for this device.
Conventional Brazing filler metals such as spool, stick and ring can be used.

System configuration is based on customer specifications

When you say the single word "brazing", brazing conditions vary depending on the workpiece to be brazed, brazing conditions, safety standards, and other factors.
In order to ensure that the customer can use the automatic brazing system in the best possible condition, we will decide the configuration details through a meeting.

Support for Installation

  • First time to install IH (induction heating) and not sure about IH
  • How does IH (induction heating) finish brazing?
...and so on. There are many concerns about the installation of this system.

 We will support for your installation.
Free testing available in our lab (first test: free of charge)