To form an airtight seal

Joining metal and glass requires heating the metal and melting the glass to form a seal between both materials.
This process forms an airtight seal and is used in the manufacture of light bulbs and laser tubes.

Due to the different expansion coefficients of glass and metal, care must be taken during cooling and subsequent manufacturing processes.
Occasionally, polymer-based adhesives are used to form seals.

Video: IH Metal-to-Glass Sealing application examples

Advantages of IH

During cooling (cool down) after heating, the glass may break or crack if cooled too rapidly.
Ambrell IH power supplies can be configured to provide a heating profile that allows for a series of slow cooling processes while removing residual stresses.
(This can be set on the power supply itself without any external input.)
This easy controllability provides a major advantage in automating delicate heating processes and increases product throughput.